Where are you located?
We mainly offer clinic visits, home visits, and community-based services in the Comox Valley and surrounding communities. Our clinic is located at 300-1590 Cliffe Ave (inside of the Treehouse Therapy space on the ground floor of the Best Western Hotel).
How do we book an appointment?
Visit our appointments page to learn about how to schedule an initial consult/assessment.
What are your rates?
Our current rates are $150/hour.
Do you currently have a waitlist?
Yes, we currently have a waitlist. Since we work with many families for generally three months or more, spaces do not open up as often as they might with other professional services. Our Physiotherapy and Speech-Language Pathology waitlists are smaller. Our Occupational Therapy waitlist is currently much longer. (updated October 2023)
How long are individual sessions?
Our sessions are generally one hour. Sessions usually involve ~45–50 minutes of direct time, 5–10 minutes to debrief with parents, and 5 minutes to document.
What sort of activities do you do during sessions?
Emphasis is placed on play; specific activities are tailored to each individual. Some examples include:
- Movement – We often involve movement during visits. Movement therapy can include swinging (we love using stretchy Lycra swings!), jumping, crashing, climbing, and yoga. Movement can be one of the fastest ways to learn how to regulate the body!
- Parent support – sharing resources, problem solving, and tailoring support to your child.
- Regulation – Body-based activities such as breathing, and improving awareness of how your body is feeling.
As parents and guardians, do we need to be present for the sessions?
We like to include parents, especially with younger children—you’re their safe person! Some children in certain age ranges enjoy 1-on-1 sessions, and in these cases, we invite parents into the session to model activities and demonstrate some of the practices we tried that day. Of course, every family dynamic is different, and the exact extent of parental involvement will reflect that.
What is your cancellation policy?
We ask that you provide at least 24 hours’ notice in the event of a cancellation. Without this notice, we do bill for your session—there are often other families waiting for openings to get in for an appointment.
Do you have a COVID-19 Safety Plan?
We are following a regimented safety plan to reduce risks for both staff and families. These procedures include, but are not limited to:
- Pre-screening and daily health checks
- Handwashing before and sessions
- Wearing masks
- Sanitizing equipment before and after each session
- Canceling and rescheduling sessions if you, your child, or anyone in your household is experiencing any symptoms of illness